Best Practice Emissions Standards

The East Rockingham Waste to Energy project will be adhering to EU Industrial Emissions Limits set by the WA EPA. These standards are amongst the most stringent in the world and are regularly achieved by HZI projects internationally.

The emissions where possible will be monitored on a continuous basis using a process called CEM (Continuous Emissions Monitoring). Others will be sampled on a periodic basis to ensure total compliance with the environmental regulations.

The East Rockingham Waste to Energy project will be adhering to EU Industrial Emissions Limits set by the WA EPA.

Mg/Mn3 @ 11% O2
Continuous MonitoringDaily Emissions Limits
Particulate Matter (PM)10
Total Organic Compounds (TOC)10
Hydrogen Chloride (HCL)10
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)50
Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)200
Carbon Monoxide50
Periodic MeasuringSample Limit
Hydrogen Fluoride1
Cd and TI (total combined)0.05
Sb, As, Pb, Cr, Co, Cu, MN, Ni and V (total combined)0.5
Dioxins and Furans0.0000001

Once operational, emissions data from the project will be published in this section of the website.

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